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Is Hip or Knee Arthritis or pain stopping you from living your best life?

Osteoarthritis Australia (OA) is the most common lifestyle disease in individuals 65 year of age and older but can also affect individuals as young as 30 years of age. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition mostly affecting the joints such as wrists, hips and knees. The main symptoms include pain, stiffness and limited joint movement which get worse over time.

Compared to those without the condition, people with osteoarthritis are:

  • 2.7 times as likely to report poor health

  • 3.5 times as likely to report ‘very high’ levels of psychological distress

  • 2.8 times as likely to report severe and very severe pain.


Current national and international clinical guidelines recommend patient education, exercise, and weight loss as first line treatment for osteoarthritis.  


What is the GLA:D Program?

GLA:D®, or Good Life with Arthritis: Denmark, is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms.

In Australia, treatment has been traditionally geared towards surgery. Now, there is an overwhelming amount of research showing that surgery, along with the associated risks, may be postponed or even cancelled as a result of completing the GLA:D Australia program. This program offers a better, safer, and more cost-effective alternative to surgery. Furthermore, if surgery is still required after completing the program, the research also shows that completing a bout of ‘prehab’ provides you with greater functional and pain outcomes than surgery alone.

Research from the GLA:D® program in Denmark found symptom progression reduces by 32%.

Other outcomes include less pain, reduced use of joint related pain killers, and less people on sick leave. GLA:D® participants also reported high levels of satisfaction with the program and increased levels of physical activity 12 months after starting the program.

What does GLA:D involve?

This education and exercise program reflects the latest evidence in osteoarthritis (OA) research. It also includes feedback from people with OA and trainers on what works in the real world to help patients manage OA symptoms.

GLA:D Australia training consists of:

  • A first appointment explaining the program and collecting data on your current functional ability

  • Two education sessions which teach you about OA, how the GLA:D™ Australia exercises improve joint stability, and how to retain this improved joint stability outside of the program.

  • Group neuromuscular training sessions twice a week for six weeks to improve muscle control of the joint which leads to reduction in symptoms and improved quality of life

  • Three month follow-up Physiotherapy appointment

  • 12 month follow-up questionnaire

Can I Participate in GLA:D Australia?

GLA:D™ Australia is a program for all individuals who experience any hip and/or knee osteoarthritis symptoms, regardless of severity. You may participate in the GLA:D™ Australia program if you have a hip or knee joint problem that resulted in visiting a health care provider. For more information on the GLA:D program or for any help regarding your experience with hip or knee pain, book online or call Get Set Physio to speak to one of our GLA:D trained and registered physiotherapists.